Booking Information:

Below you will find information about working with me. Modeling is a career and business for me. With that being said- I love my job and being creative! Please note I do charge for my services.

Photo/Video/Half-Day/Full Day/Traveling Rates:

When contacting me, it’s most efficient if you provide me with the following details:

  • Style/Concept of Project
  • Dates/ times for project (if flexible with dates, please give a few options or general availability)
  • Location
  • Makeup artist provided
  • Hairstylist provided
  • If makeup and hairstylist not provided, makeup/hair you’d like done for shoot (I can do basic hair/makeup):
  • Wardrobe provided
  • If wardrobe not provided or if there’s items I need to bring to shoot, please list here
  • APPLICABLE artists/people involved and their portfolio (or social media links)
    • Photographer
    • Makeup artist
    • Hair stylist
    • Stylist
    • Assistant(s)
  • Other
    • Email
    • Photo
    • A clear photo of person I am meeting with day of photoshoot (this is for my safety so I know who I am meeting. I will not book a project without this).


  • Acceptable forms of payment: cash, check, venmo, or paypal
  • I will only sign a release upon payment for shoot. If you would like me to sign the release in the beginning of the shoot, I will require payment for our allotted time. If you feel more comfortable paying me at the end of the shoot, then plan on me signing the release at that time
  • All shoots start at EXACT timing that are booked and end at the EXACT time shoots are booked till. My clock starts and ends as booked. I can not guarantee I will have “extra” time after allotted booked schedule time
  • Half Day/ Full Day Shoots: Please note I will need bathroom breaks and a few minutes to eat something. This is factored into time
  • Prior to arriving on set, I need to be aware of any person that will be on set with me
  • I reserve the right to not wear items that I deem inappropriate (i.e. bondage wear, certain sheer clothing, nipple clamps, pasties, ropes, chains, etc.)
  • In the event of bad weather, plan B locations are encouraged
  • I will not put myself in any situation that is illegal, unsafe, or can be considered trespassing.


  • I charge for travel expenses outside of San Francisco to location (i.e. gas, bridge toll, train, bus, uber, lyft, depending on location). Please request quote
  • I am open to traveling outside of the San Francisco/Bay Area
  • I have my passport ready to go
  • International travel needs to be booked in advance
  • If I need to travel outside out San Francisco and I need overnight stay somewhere, then I require my travel expenses to be paid in full and prior to me leaving San Francisco
  • I do not share beds with anyone
  • I prefer to have my own private room given I need to board somewhere.


Please do not hesitate to message me with questions on this. Please note I will NOT participate in any work I deem as erotica/overly sexually (artistic acceptable), vulgar, inappropriate, or disrespectful. Limits listed below are hard limits and are not up for discussion. The purpose of this list is to clarify what I do not do so there is no question as to what I do not do.

  • DO NOT touch me without asking in any manner whatsoever. I understand it’s sometimes easier to position me into a pose by moving me, need wardrobe fixes, need to move a fly away hair, etc, but YOU MUST GET PERMISSION EXPLICITLY FROM ME FIRST. I normally will say yes, but please ask first
  • No liquid latex
  • I do not do “fetish” work. If you think it’s fetish, it probably is
  • No
    • G-strings
    • bondage wear
    • nipple clamps/pasties
    • ropes/chains/ties
  • I do not pose with sex toys, rather it is for sexual purposes or not
  • No poses sexual in nature
  • Like spread leg shots
  • I do not pose with other models nude
  • I do not promote drugs/alcohol/cigarettes/marijuana use
  • I do not allow any nude video work, even for artistic nude work
  • I do not participate in sacrilegious behavior in regards to any religion
  • I am not an escort/prostitute. I do not participate in any sexual activity for any reason for any project whatsoever
  • I will NOT insert a needle for the purpose of the project
  • For purpose of a project where any part of my body will need to be underwater (like bathtub or pool shoot), I will not submerge my body into water that contains scents,dyes,or perfumes. This includes, food dye, bath bombs, soap, and bubble bath.